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Home: PYP Exhibition


This Libguide is here to support Year 6 students as they work towards completing the PYPx! 

Essential Features of PYPx

As the culminating PYP experience, it is required that the exhibition reflects all the major features of the programme. Therefore it must:

  • provide an opportunity for students to exhibit the attributes of the IB learner profile that have been developing throughout their engagement with the PYP

  • incorporate all the key concepts; an understanding of the key concepts should be demonstrated by the application of key questions throughout the inquiry process

  • synthesize aspects of all six transdisciplinary themes

  • require students to use skills from all five sets of transdisciplinary skills (see Making the PYP happen: A curriculum framework for international primary education, 2007, figure 8); students should be given the opportunity to develop and apply skills from all the transdisciplinary skill areas in their exhibition inquiry

  • offer the students the opportunity to explore knowledge that is significant and relevant

  • offer opportunities for students to display attitudes (see Making the PYP happen: A curriculum framework for international primary education, 2007, figure 9) that relate to people, the environment and their learning; these attitudes should be evident throughout the process

  • provide opportunities for students to engage in action; students should demonstrate an ability to reflect on and apply their learning to choose appropriate courses of action and carry them out; this action may take the form of personal involvement with the planning and implementation of the exhibition and/or service-orientated action; action may not always be clearly or immediately visible or measurable but evidence should be recorded whenever a particular behaviour results from the learning involved

  • represent a process where students are engaged in a collaborative and student-led, in-depth inquiry facilitated by teachers; records should be kept that reflect the process of planning and student engagement with the exhibition

  • include ongoing and rigorous assessment of the exhibition process; this assessment should take two forms: firstly, ongoing assessment of each individual student’s contribution to and understanding of the exhibition; secondly, a summative assessment and reflection on the event itself.

The Big6 Research Proess

The Big6 is a six-stage model to help anyone solve problems or make decisions by using information.

Step 1: Task Definition

When faced with a project, homework, project, report—even a quiz or standardized test, students should be able to:

understand the nature or type of the assignment

select among options n narrow the scope

determine exactly what they are expected to do

envision what the end product will look like

know how they will be graded

estimate how much time and effort will be required

consider how much information will be needed

determine the types of information to seek out.


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