a US-based site that offers age-appropriate online newspaper for children with stories that are updated each day. Categories include science, the arts, world news, and sports.
a campaign run by the News Literacy Network and recommended by the National Literacy Trust that aims to embed discussion of the news each day into primary and secondary school timetables. There’s a great selection of free resources available on their website.
Explore National Geographic. A world leader in geography, cartography and exploration.
《國家地理》,原名《國家地理雜誌》,是美國國家地理學會的官方雜誌,在國家地理學會1888年成立後的9個月開始發行第一期。其封面上的亮黃框及月桂紋圖樣是其象徵,也是國家地理的註冊商標。 國家地理為月刊。雜誌的內容包括地理、科普、歷史、文化、紀實、攝影等