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Home: UISG Library

Search the Library Catalog

Use Destiny Discover to search for the books in our Library! You can also login to view your account, see the books you have checked out, renew your materials and more. 

This links to the classic Destiny catalog.

Welcome to Our Library

About the Library

How many books can I borrow?

  • K to K1 -- One book per week
  • K2 to Year 1 - Two books per week
  • Year 2 to 3 - Three books per week
  • Year 4 - Four books for two weeks
  • Year 5 - Five books for two weeks
  • Year 6+ - Eight books for three weeks 
  • Teachers, TAs, and Admin Staff may borrow books

Parents are also welcome to borrow books! Come to the Library to get a Library card. This card allows parents to borrow up to six books for three weeks.

Library Hours

The Library is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 - 4:15.

Library Mission

Our mission is:

  • To teach students and staff to effectively access, evaluate, use and communicate information
  • To encourage the love of reading
  • To develop informationally literate students
  • To encourage active, compassionate, lifelong learners

Lost or Damaged Books

If a book is lost or damaged, the borrower will need to clear the account. There are a few ways to do this:

1. The library staff will print an invoice with the amount payable to replace the book. This total is the amount of the book plus 1.3% for shipping fee. 

2. The borrower can buy the same book to donate to the library to replace the book.

Lost and Damaged books must be cleared off of the borrower's account (students, teachers, staff and parents) at the end of each academic year. If the books were not cleared off of the account, the patron will not be allowed to borrow more books the next academic year. 

Ask a Librarian!

Woori Choi, Head Librarian

Teacher Librarian for K-Year 3

Hunt Luker, Teacher Librarian

Teacher Librarian for Year 4-5 and Secondary School

Cindy Chen, Library Assistant

Myra Zhou, Library Assistant

Jess Huang, Library Assistant